Gospel reflections – 5th Sunday of Easter

2 May 2021

“Remain in me, as I remain in you… and bear much fruit.” (John 15:1-8)


Remain… faithfully…
Then and only then will you get rooted… deeply…
Then and only then will you bear fruit… abundantly…

In our world these days, these years, a lot of us are so used to changes, so eager for changes, for something new, for something different every now and then. New cellphones and gadgets, new outfits and hairstyles, cars and houses, new friends and experiences, new course or new career, even new partners… oooops!

Years ago, when I was still a kid, when there was no remote control yet, we needed to stand up from our couch and approach the television itself just to change channel or volume. Now, we can so easily make lots and lots of changes, in lots of channels and variations in settings, just by the touch of your fingertips. No wonder, we are so used to changing and changing and changing every now and then.

Today’s Gospel? Jesus’ strong words… REMAIN… IN ME!!!
If we won’t… we will wither. If we don’t…. we will die

Just like a plant, will it grow its roots and flower if it is planted here and replanted there again and again? Never. Just like a tree, will it get rooted and bear much fruits if it is transferred from ground to ground time and time again? Never.

Must be the same with you and I. There surely are things in our lives that must remain, must never change, if only for those things to get rooted… and bear fruit….

If we remain, then and only then will we get rooted deeply and bear fruit abundantly.

This reminds me of that saying, which, thanks to our long ‘stay-at-home’ period, I was able to paint on our wall beside our front door in our home, that says… “BLOOM… WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED!”

Makes sense, right? Not only an invitation or challenge for us to give our best wherever we find ourselves in, this also is a statement and reminder that we will only be productive and fruitful if we are and if we remain planted and faithful.

Again, if we remain, then and only then will we get rooted deeply and bear fruit abundantly.

May I get personal? I have been here serving in Kuching, Malaysia for almost five years now. I first arrived here in 2017 with some expectations and goals, some plans and wishes. And they are good and noble ones, all for the good and growth of the Church, especially the youth, in fidelity to our Salesian mission and charism.

Well, more than four years have passed and, for understandable reasons, most of them still remain unmet, unrealised. Should I give up and look for something new? New place of apostolate and new goals to meet? I feel that God is inviting me to stay. I pray that I may lovingly obey. God is asking me to remain. Then and only then will there be gain… even amidst all pain.

May we all get personal here? May we gladly and gratefully say…
“Covid or no covid, Lord, I promise and commit to remain connected with You. I may not have the grace having the Sacraments now, especially the Holy Mass in person, but I will find innovative and inspiring ways and means just to remain with you, to stay always for you. Whatever it takes, Lord, you and I, never apart. I know I am in Yours always. May You also be always in my heart.”

I invite us to ask ourselves now…
What are the things in your life that you value so much that it is so worth having them for the long haul, even for the rest of your only one life, and never replacing them with something else, with something or someone new?
What are those things that God is asking you to keep… and never let go of?

I think… in our hearts, we know well our honest answers to these.
I just pray that God IS the very first on our list.

In fact, even if all the rest may change… for one reason or another… God won’t.
He will never change. And so please, never change Him too.

He will always be THE VINE… and we will always be HIS BRANCHES.

He will always be that life-and-love-giving vine.
Thus, may we also always be… HIS.

Fr Ramon Borja, SDB
Commission for Youth


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