A Ray of Hope in a Hopeless Time

Photo: Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission (KAYC)

By Cherie Nicole

KUCHING — The Kuching Young Christian Students (KYCS) held their first-ever virtual Christmas concert last 26 December 2020. The show premiered at 8.30 pm on YouTube and Facebook for a length of just over an hour. The theme of the concert was HOPE, supported by a carefully selected bible verse from Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

The concert aimed to spread the joy of Christmas to all Christian families who were unable to celebrate Christmas normally through masses, gatherings, and house-to-house carolling due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The restriction left many confined to their homes in the hopes of flattening the curve and minimising the spread of the virus. With that objective in mind, the committee decided to centre their concert on the theme of HOPE, a deliberate choice to convey to all Christians that Christmas can still be celebrated globally with other Christians while maintaining physical distance, via the innovations of technology. 

The theme was also a call to keep hope alive in the hearts of all Christians and remind them that no external obstacle can dampen the unity of God’s people from celebrating the birth of His Son. The bible verse that comes with the theme was also fitting with the times, as it reminded all Christians of God’s hopeful promise, that He plans to bless us with a bright future and deliver us from the pain and anguish of the present even when things seem hopeless. With that, the concert committee aimed to create a virtual concert as a channel to convey God’s hope to His people in these trying times and, most importantly, to allow all to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas in the presence of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. 

The main committee of this event consisted of a variety of KYCS alumni of different age groups, ranging from 18 to 28 years old, with a total of 12 members. The main coordinator was Chelsea Rose, assisted by her vice coordinator, Cherie Nicole. Both are alumni of SMK St Teresa. All the committee members have been active in KYCS carolling throughout their secondary school days. 

The concert itself consisted of messages from Archbishop Simon Poh and Chelsea Rose, several interview video compilations focusing on Christmas, some performance videos, a scripture reading following the style of KYCS carolling, and a video compilation of some of the alumni singing “Joy to the World” to end the concert on a high note. The concert was hosted by two vibrantly gifted emcees, Joshua Wong and Serene Kho, who have both joined the carolling team in the previous years. It’s inspiring to see KYCS alumni still generously sharing their time and giftedness for God and His people. 

The concert also aimed to raise funds for the Sarawak Cheshire Home in Kuching. Every year, the KYCS carollers would sing carols at the home and connect with the residents. The carollers hold the people very dearly in their hearts and hope to bless them through this concert as they have impacted the carollers greatly through the years with their warmth, hospitality and friendship. Based on transfer receipts shared with the organisers, the amount raised for the Cheshire Home as of 10 January stands at RM1,070.00. The organising team would like to generously thank all who donated. You are all in our prayers. 

This event took approximately three months of meticulous planning and commitment and the efforts came through in the final workings of the video. Deep thanks to all organisers and sharers who made this a beautiful project, a fitting birthday gift to Jesus and a Christmas gift to all. 

Above all our highest praise and gratitude go to God who has blessed all who took part in the organisation, planning and implementation of this concert sharing their skills, talents, and time. Most importantly, thanks to God for sending His Son to dwell among us. 

Truly, this has been a concert not just with music and lyrics, with smiles and sparks, but, more so, one that is full of heart and soul. Kudos KAYC! May we keep bringing God’s gift of hope.


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