61 students of St Joseph’s Private School-Primary receive their First Holy Communion

Parents of the first communicants were excited to snap photos of their children after the First Holy Communion Mass outside the Cathedral. Photo credit: Fr Francis Lim SJ

KUCHING — 61 Primary Four students of St Joseph’s Private School – Primary, received Holy Communion for the first time during the Mass of All Saints at St Joseph’s Cathedral on 1 November. This is the largest number so far out of about 100 students in Primary Four.

The Mass was presided by Fr Francis Lim, SJ who is the Principal of St Joseph’s Private School – Secondary. Fr Joseph Ng, SJ, a teacher in the Secondary School concelebrated and helped to give communion to the children.

Students of the three schools of St Joseph’s Family of Schools, namely the Primary, Secondary and International Schools were present, filling the Cathedral to the brim. Many parents joined in the Mass too.

In his homily, Fr Francis alluded to the first communicants who were dressed in white as little angels: girls with laced veils and boys in smart black bows. Yet the children are not angels because angels are pure spirits.

The children, however, are human beings with bodies and souls who are called to be children of God as mentioned in the second reading of the day, that is, from the First Letter of John.

All children of God whether young or old, are summoned to live out the Beatitudes in the Gospel reading of Matthew in order to strive to become saints. Saints are people with a past whereas sinners are people with a future.

All human beings, being sinners and not angels, are called to become saints. They are called to join the great multitude of saints dressed in white described in the first reading from Revelation.

After the Mass, a food fellowship with presentation of certificates to the first communicants was carried out in the school. Parents, teachers and students joined in the celebration.

It was indeed a memorable First Holy Communion for these children as the ceremony was witnessed by their parents and fellow schoolmates from the three schools.

Fr Francis Lim Chin Choy, SJ


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